The teenagers in your home needed a reliable, older car to drive. Now they've gone off to college and the car is in your driveway. Your ad on Craigslist didn't get a single taker. The neighbors aren't too happy about it, either. The clunker needs a home.
Your favorite aunt just passed away, and she left you her car. It doesn't run, but it's a classic. You don't have time to renovate it.
After the accident a few weeks ago, your damaged car just isn't worth repairing. It still runs, but it looks like it belongs in a demolition derby.
It's a nice car, but you don't need it anymore.
You may not need that car anymore, and letting it sit around doesn't make sense. Fortunately, we can help. Use our instant quote tool (above or wherever on the page it is) or give us a call at (323) 736-4080. If you aren't sure, our quotes are friendly and hassle free. We think you'll like what we can do.
Most of cars we buy end up as scrap. The fluids and batteries are disposed of safely, and the metal used for scrap. The scrap metal from your old car might just end up in a new car next year. Sometimes we sell the old automobiles to collectors. The parts are useful as replacement parts for repair of older, similar models. A few can be sold after some repair work is done for someone else to enjoy.
If it is time to get that junk car off your driveway, get in touch. Our specialists will get that car out of your way, usually in 24 hours or less. Best of all, you will have traded that old car for cash.